
2025 membership fees are:

  • $95 for a single membership
  • $145 for a family membership

Wild Rose memberships, valid from January 1st through December 31st, are excellent value and provide the following benefits:

  • Access to help from experienced handlers and trainers
  • Discounted fee’s in club training days (non-members pay $25 per dog on top of any additional charges – for birds, etc. – to take part in a training activity)
  • Access to game birds
  • Insurance coverage for legal hunting, range shooting, dog training, and even fishing activities anywhere in the world
  • Ability to train and test your dog locally
  • Promote the vitality of versatile breeds in Alberta
  • Promote wildlife conservation

By joining Wild Rose NAVHDA, you agree to abide by the club’s Code of Conduct and Bylaws.

Join now!

Local chapters rely on our parent organization to provide the framework in which we are able to conduct many of our chapter activities, such as NAVHDA tests and handler clinics. We encourage all chapter members to support the NAVHDA ideals through membership in the international organization.

Membership in NAVHDA International includes a subscription to the monthly magazine Versatile Hunting Dog, which offers in depth training articles, a calendar of tests and activities, test results and more.
Join NAVHDA International at